What is annulment?


An annulment voids a marriage and erases all legal traces of its existence. The court orders that no marriage ever existed. This can happen where a marriage is declared to be void or voidable.

A court will set aside a marriage as void in any of the following circumstances:

  • If the ceremony was conducted by a person who is not recognised under South African law as being able to preside over a wedding
  • If the bride is under the age of 15, or the groom is under the age of 18 and did not obtain prior consent from the Minister of Home Affairs
  • If the bride and groom are too closely related
  • If one party is already married
  • If one party was not of sound mind when the marriage took place

A court will set aside a marriage as voidable* in any of the following circumstances:

  • The wife was pregnant with the child of another man at the time of marriage
  • Impotence or sterility
  • Duress or intimidation (one party forces the other into marriage)
  • Fraud or misrepresentation (where one party claims to be something or someone they are not)

*Voidable means capable of being revoked or annulled.

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