How to evict a tenant without being sued

Image depicting a distressed man dealing with an eviction

Follow these 10 dos and don’ts for eviction and avoid litigation We often hear from clients: “I need to evict my tenant. But I’m worried I’ll be sued.” While we’re nothing like the US in terms of readiness to sue, society is becoming more litigious (which means “tending to take legal action to settle disputes”). […]

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Re-adjusted Alert Level 3: Here’s what is changing from today

Reprinted from Business Insider SA – 2021-02-01 You may have listened to the President’s speech or you may have heard the news elsewhere, but as lawyers we’re very fond of the notion of “the avoidance of doubt”. So, to that end, here is the lowdown on the re-adjusted Alert Level 3 rules as featured in Business […]

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Nicole Kidman vows to speak out against abuse after Big Little Lies role

Actor says playing role of abused wife gave her new insight and hardened her stance on the issue This is a shocking statistic: “…for every three months that lockdowns continue, an additional 15 million women around the world are expected to be affected by violence”. Nicole Kidman speaks out against gender-based violence after playing an […]

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Evictions in Alert Level 2

What is the state of play regarding evictions? Hurrah! We made it to Alert Level 2! The drinkers and smokers will be particularly happy, but so will the gym-goers, those with family in another province, everyone who wants to see their friends, and…landlords. Landlords? Not so fast. There is some relaxation of the rules governing […]

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Crime stats – what do they mean?

A look at the key messages emerging from this year’s crime statistics Crime stats for South Africa were published last week by SAPS. Overall, reported crime decreased slightly, but violent crime, also referred to as contact crime, including murder, continued its upward trend. The statistics cover the period 1 April to 31 March, 2020, and […]

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