Injured from a car accident – Road accident claims
You or someone immediately close to you may have recently been involved in a tragic road accident. The worst could have happened and serious injuries might have been sustained.
You could feel completely overwhelmed with shock and despair, and be extremely concerned about the wellbeing of all concerned.
Going back over the incident, it may seem as though everything happened so suddenly you struggle to piece the events together – perhaps due to the emotional shock or post-traumatic stress. Somehow an ambulance arrived on the scene and people were rushed to hospital. At the time, medical bills were the last thing on your mind.
All you needed was immediate help from the police, medics and the ER doctors.
Some time could have passed since the unfortunate accident, and you might now find yourself assessing your options. Dealing with expensive bills can be extremely stressful and you might be unable to afford them, particularly if you don’t have any medical insurance.
Taking care of your ordinary day-to-day responsibilities alone may already deplete most of your income. Your situation could seem so hopeless that you barely have the strength to deal with the physical and emotional> consequences of the accident, let alone mounting medical costs and loss of income from being unable to work for a while.
We understand that you may be at the most challenging time of your life. But there is hope – possibly more than you fully appreciate right now.
You might not be aware of it, but South African law recognises the hardship suffered by victims of motor vehicle accidents. A special fund has been set up by government, and in certain cases they may very well provide you with real legal options to get you back on your feet again, especially financially.
Your case may qualify you to get money from this fund to help you pay your medical costs.
We can investigate whether you could sue for much-needed compensation, either from the government or a third party involved in the accident. If you have a case or a claim, we can let you know immediately.
Even if you’re worried about the fees for a legal consultation, don’t let this stop you from contacting us to find out if you have a case and can get extra money for your medical bills. We’ll always take one or two calls or e-mails free of charge.
There’s no sense delaying any longer when we can help put you back in the driver’s seat.
Speak to Simon now about making a claim.